

    Our reason for existence is to contribute to the return of peace in war zones and the reinforcement of coexistence in fragile zones - non-violent approach is our choice, our method for conflict resolution. Since October 2000 we have been working in Israel-Palestine, at the hinge of civilizations, with the tools developed during our missions in Bosnia (1993-1996) and in Algeria (1997-1998) :

    - programmes of education in non-violent alternatives and constructive coexistence,

    - campaigns with Nobel laureates worldwide and Members of the European Parliament calling for cease-fire & negotiations for a just and lasting peace.


     The most dynamic part of this site is in the "Media - Must Read" section where you will find a daily selection of the most precise articles, from all sources, upon the situation in Israel - Palestine. The most meaningful part to us is the "HOPE Other Voices Rising" section though, that we started on November 1, 2015.






    As of March 25, 2018, more than 40,000 visitors have been recorded, for over 115,000 pages, since we inaugurated this site four years ago in January 2014. On August 28 & 29, 2014, because of the war in Gaza, we had 115 visitors, for 240 pages the first day, 227 the second. We certainly don't wish for such records anymore.

    Now, on January 21, 2016, for no particular reason, we did record the highest number of visitors : 69, who read 320 pages that day. In 2017 new heights were reached : 44 visitors for 417 pages on May 8, and 42 for 457 pages on September 11.

    Then, in February 2018, on the 6th 53 visitors were registered for 544 pages, and 48 on the 19th for 491 pages.

    On March 5, 2018, as early as 10 a.m. (European time) 30 visitors had been recorded, for 400 pages.

    In the summer of 2015 about 20 people visited us each day. In January 2016, this average daily number rose, closer to 30. In the month of February 2018, 45 visitors were recorded for 170 pages daily. A likely reflection of our work on the HOPE section, that was started on November 1, 2015. This is where we are going : gathering all the news and echoes from people, most of them unknown hitherto, who silently and relentlessly work for  coexistence and common sense, be they Israelis, Palestinians, Europeans, or others. LET IT SPREAD !

    As a result of this new investigative spirit, a first donation has been received. Welcome, friends, sympathizers, from all across this world ! Like any other unsubsidized organization, we need human support to proceed.  We need your feedback and transmission. It is vital for us to see that the existence of this site matters to you.

     Any donation is meaningful. It does not have to be "big". Just a sign that you are there, and that you care. With gratitude for your renewed interest.  peacelines@gmail.com

    Bank Account Number : FR76 1020 6512 3712 1073 3600 074, Bank Identification Code (SWIFT) : AGRIFRPP802, Address : Peace Lines, 51310, Champagnemay, Esternay, France  


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  • Commentaires

    Dimanche 28 Février 2016 à 11:40


    Vendredi 11 Mars 2016 à 08:00

    Merci bien pour l'article.

    Mercredi 13 Avril 2016 à 03:35

    the article is very interesting. see also tawon liar 

    Vendredi 24 Mars 2017 à 12:22


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